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A Writing Hand: A New Chapter Begins

Hello, dear readers and loyal followers,

I hope this message finds you well. It has been a journey with «A Writing Hand,» a place where I poured my heart into translating and sharing my fanfiction with you all. Your unwavering support and loyalty have meant the world to me, and I am deeply grateful for every comment, every share, and every moment you spent with my stories.

However, life has its twists and turns, and managing multiple blogs and social media accounts has become increasingly challenging. I’ve noticed that while the traffic on my older entries remains stable, it has been a bit discouraging to see less engagement on newer posts. Balancing this with my personal commitments has made it clear that some changes are necessary.

So, here’s what’s happening next:

  1. Consolidation: I will be focusing all my efforts on my main blog/website and my social media accounts (@blogescritorPDV on Instagram and Facebook). This will help me manage my time better and provide more consistent updates.
  2. Bilingual Content: From now on, I will strive to make my posts in social media bilingual (ES/EN) as much as possible. This includes new content and updates, and also I may make some reviews in English if I feel up to the task. While translating entire one-shots and stories will be difficult, I believe that the current translation tools available can help bridge any language gaps.
  3. Original English Fanfiction: I have started creating fanfiction directly in English, and I hope this will cater to both my English-speaking audience and those who have followed my translations. Your feedback will be invaluable in this new endeavor.

Please know that this decision wasn’t easy, but it’s necessary to ensure that I can continue sharing my passion for writing with you all. I’m excited about this new chapter and hope you’ll continue to support me as you always have.

Thank you for being by my side. Your love and connection inspire me every day, and I look forward to sharing many more stories with you.

Stay connected, stay inspired, and remember: the magic of stories transcends languages.

Love you all!

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